Welcome at the recovery or rehabilitation centre

A care worker will welcome your relative to the recovery or rehabilitation . You will get informed about the and the way of working. Also, you will learn who your contact person is, what your relative’s recovery goals are, and what criteria need to be fulfilled before your relative can return home.

What might be asked of you

Arrangements informal care

Talk about what you can do during the admission of your relative and which tasks are informal care, and which tasks are for the recovery or rehabilitation . Think about things like washing clothes and taking care of transport to and from the hospital.

Is your relative not capable of looking after their own interests anymore?

Then we ask you to do the following on behalf of your relative:

  • Fill in forms (like the care agreement); and
  • Answer questions during the intake.

First contact person

Determine together who will take on the position of contact person, with those responsibilities. Send their contact details to the care team. When you want, you can transfer this role, but always notify the care team and update the contact details.

Hospital appointments

Are there still hospital or outpatient appointments planned? Let the recovery or rehabilitation know. It is important that you take care of the transport to and from the appointment, and that you accompany your relative during it.

Hospital appointments

Are there still hospital or outpatient appointments planned? Let the recovery or rehabilitation know. It is important that you take care of the transport to and from the appointment, and that you accompany your relative during it.

Electronic client file (ECD)

If you want, you can request access to a part of your relative’s electronic client file (ECD). You need permission from your relative to do this.

What the recovery or rehabilitation takes care of


The care team will talk to you and your relative to be able to do a proper care analysis. Based on this, they will write a preliminary plan about the best way to treat your relative. During the intake you will also:

  • Sign the care agreement;
  • Plan a progress review about the treatment;
  • Be informed about the by a care worker;
  • Talk about the responsibility of the first contact person (as mentioned above).


The will make sure that your relative can use the aids they need during their stay, for example a wheelchair, waling aids, or aids for daily tasks.
Does your relative have their own wheelchair or walker? Please bring this. The occupational or physical therapist will also ask for this.

Does your relative already own a wheelchair or walker?

Please take it with you.


During their stay at the your relative will not use their regular pharmacy. Instead, they will use the pharmacy that is connected to the recovery or rehabilitation . The ‘s physician will prescribe the medication your relative needs. It is possible that your relative will receive a different brand of medication, or that their medication will be changed during their stay at the . If you have any questions about this, feel free to ask the nurse of the physician.


Practical things to bring

  • Valid identity document
  • Proof of vaccination
  • Supplementary Public Transport pass
  • Health insurance card

Medical equipment to bring

If your relative owns any of the following medical equipment, bring these with you:

  • Walker / crutches
  • Compression stockings
  • Enough medication to last 24 hours
  • Glasses / contacts
  • Hearing aids

Clothing to bring

  • Comfortable clothes (to practice in)
  • Sturdy shoes (to practice in)
  • Enough clothing Voldoende kleding

Entertainment to bring

  • Mobile phone
  • iPad / tablet
  • Things to read
  • Puzzle books
  • Small personal items such as picture frames or small plants
  • Snacks that are not available in the facility

What should you not take with you?

Do not take a lot of cash and leave valuables at home.