Frequently asked questions

Do you have a question about the care proces, check the FAQ’s. Did you not find your answer, feel free to contact us.

What is the difference between a recovery and a rehabilitation department?

On this website we often mention the recovery or rehabilitation department. The aim of both departments is to allow your relative to live independently at home again. Depending on what your relative needs to achieve that goal, your relative will stay either in a recovery or a rehabilitation centre.
The main difference between a recovery department (ELV) and a rehabilitation department (GRZ) is that your relative will receive more intensive therapies and when he/sche stays in a rehabilitation department (GRZ). Such as physiotherapy and occupational therapy.
Staying in a recovery department (ELV) is more suitable when your relative needs to recover from a situation and to indentify what care is needed, in order to enable your relative to live at home independitly once again.

What are the differences between a recovery / rehabilitation department and a permanent place of residence with care?

Your relative will stay in a recovery or rehabilitation department temporarily, with the aim of returning home.
If your relative is unable to live independently at home again, it is better for your relative to move to a permanent place of residence with care.

Indication requirement

In order to be able to live in a permanent home with care, an assessment is required for the Long-term care act (Wlz). Without such an indication, your relative cannot move to a permanent place of residence with care.

Read more about applying for a Wlz indication


An important difference between a temporary place in a recovery or rehabilitation department and a permanent place to live with care is the form of financing. A temporary place will be reimbursed by the health insurance of your relative. In most cases, no personal contribution has to be paid.
A permanent place of residence with care (or bridging place) is paid for under the Long-term care act (Wlz). Your relative is only entitled to this compensation when an indication has been issued by the Centre of Care Assessment (CIZ) that indicates that you relative needs permanent care. In the case of a permanent residence with care a personal contribution needs to be paid by your relative in addition to the reimbursement from the Wlz.

Click here to calculate this personal contribution

New home

When someone gets a permanent place to live with care, this is someone’s new home. Your relative will get a private room that can be decorated with their own belongings.

When your relative lives in a permanent residence with care, there will be more attention for activities and less focus on treatments and therapies.
When someone moves to a permanent place with care, there are no more fixed visiting hours and there is more privacy. You can visit your relative more freely and help to organize their days.

Read more about getting used to a permanent place of residence in healthcare

How are the costs of my relative's stay financed?

This depends on the type of care your relative will receive. If your relative stays in a recovery or rehabilitation department, this will be reimbursed by the health insurance of your relative.

If your relative has a Long-term care act (Wlz) indication, the healthcare costs are covered through the care office of your relative’s region.

Click here for more information about the Wlz

Click here for the care office of the Amsterdam region

If someone moves to a permanent place of residence with care, part of the costs will be reimbursed under the Long-term care act (Wlz) and a personal contribution must be paid.

Click here for more information about the Wlz

Click here to calculate this personal contribution


Is your relative staying at a care home? Ask the care mediator for advice if you are in doubt about financing the healthcare. Or contact the health insurance of your relative.

What costs can get reimbursed if my relative goes home again?

Is your relative going home, but is care still required? In that case, it depends on the intensity of the care, and on the foreseen duration that this care is required, to know from which organization you can obtain reimbursement.
If your relative has an indication to the Long-term care act (Wlz), you can arrange financing with the care office.
Isn’t that the case? Check out what is possible with the health insurance of your relative and the Social support act (Wmo) of the municipality.

Click here for more information about the Wlz

Click here for more information about the WMO


Is your relative staying at a care home? Ask the care mediator for advice if you are in doubt about financing the healthcare. Or contact the health insurance of your relative.

How do I find a good care location for my relative?

On the website of ZorgkaartNederland you can compare different care locations and read reviews of others. Be aware that not every care location is suited for all possible care indications of the Long-term Care Act (Wlz) and that it isn’t possible to apply for a permanent residence with care without such an indication.
The care mediator is ready to support you and your relative in finding a suitable place with care for your relative to live in.

Read more about targeted orientation on a place to live with care

Who can help me organize the care of my relative?

When your relative stays in a care organisation, there will be a care mediator available for you and your relative to help you organise the logistics and practical matters. The care mediator can also refer you to the right authorities for specific questions.

Is the term care mediator unfamiliar to you?

In some organisations this role is referred to as a client supporter (cliëntondersteuner), client advisor (cliënt adviseur) or care consultant (zorg consulent).

Where can I find emotional support in this process?

Assisting someone in their care process is not only difficult for the person who needs care, but it is also difficult for their relatives. You may suddenly be given a lot of organisational tasks. And we often see that it is an emotionally intense process for all involved, especially if the person requiring care is a family member or good friend.

If you feel that you need help yourself, you can visit MantelzorgNL. This website offers various options to find help. For both organisational and emotional support.

You can always contact the care organisation where your relative is staying when you feel that the responsibility is all getting too much for you.